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Home > NDFD > XML Change Notices
Recent National Weather Service NDFD XML Web Service change notices are listed below.
NDFD-XML: WSDL difference for NDFD XML Web Service on new AWS architecture.
For our legacy SOAP users who access the web service via the SOAP POST method, note the updated Details...
NDFD-XML: Graphical.weather.gov/xml/ on different architecture.
In April 2024, the NDFD XML Web Service at https://graphical.weather.gov/xml/ is now hosted on Amazon Web Service (AWS) architecture, instead of the National Weather Service's Internet Dissemination System (NIDS). Queries can be made to https://graphical.weather.gov/xml/ or https://digital.weather.gov/xml/. Graphical.weather.gov/xml/ will now return full resoluction NDFD, which is hourly temporal resoluction and 2.5 kilometer spatial resolution (before, it was 3 hourly temporal resolution and 5 kilometer resolution.) Details...
NDFD-XML: Heat Risk Weather Element added to NDFD XML Web Service
Heat Risk element will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. They will be available for points in the Conus sector only. For more information see Details...
NDFD-XML: Five Experimental Aviation Weather Elements added to NDFD XML Web Service
Five new Aviation elements will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. They will be available for points in the Conus and Puerto Rico sectors. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: New AWS NDFD XML Web Service (digital.weather.gov/xml) to limit the number of lat/lon points in a query to 100 to limit resource strain on the web service. For more information, see our NDFD XML Web Service Use Guidelines page at https://digital.weather.gov/xml/mdl/XML/Design/WebServicesUseGuidelines.php. Details...
NDFD-XML: AWS NDFD XML Web Service at Full Resolution
The new NDFD XML Web Service (digital.weather.gov/xml) is at full resolution for points queried in the CONUS sector. The spatial and temporal resolution in the NDFD as compared to the operational system on graphical (graphical.weather.gov/xml) will be available at 2.5km spatial resolution for all forecast times and at 1 hour temporal resolution for the first 36 hours from NDFD issuance time (on graphical, the spatial resolution is 5km and 3 hourly). These are the finest spatial and temporal resolutions at which Weather Forecast Offices in the Conterminous United States (CONUS) provide forecasts. More information is here in the Details...
NDFD-XML: AWS NDFD XML Web Service to offer a new XML format encoding for the NDFD XML Web Service: Time Series Markup Language (TSML).
The new AWS version of the NDFD XML Web Service (digital.weather.gov/xml) will offer TSML as an encoding option. This second option of XML formatting is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) recognized International encoding Standard, unlike DWML. Because of this, TSML offers greater interoperability: the ability of different information systems, products, or applications, whose interfaces are understood, to connect with other products or systems. TSML also defines the semantics of observational (in the NDFD case, forecast) data as a timeseries for data exchange. TSML profiles the Observations and Measurements standard to define a result of type timeseries. TSML allows the encoding of many latitude/longitude points as a collection (tsml:Collection) of observation members with each geographic point denoted as the feature of interest. The TSML schemas can be found at http://schemas.opengis.net/tsml. The TSML schema version currently used is 1.2. To return XML encoded in TSML, there is a new query parameter 'XMLformat'. This query parameter must be set to TSML in the request. If XMLformat is not used at all, it defaults to the older DWML encoding. Details...
NDFD-XML: RTMA elements removed from AWS NDFD XML Web Service
The 6 Real Time Mesoscale Analysis elements, and 4 associated uncertainties, will be removed from the new AWS NDFD XML web service (digital.weather.gov/xml). These are Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Precipitation (precipa_r), Real-time Mesoscale Analysis GOES Effective Cloud Amount (sky_r), Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Dewpoint Temperature (td_r), Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Temperature (temp_r), Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Wind Direction (wdir_r), Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Wind Speed (wspd_r), Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Error/Uncertainty for Temperature (utemp), Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Error/Uncertainty for Dewpoint Temperature (utd), Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Error/Uncertainty for Wind Speed (uwspd), and Real-time Mesoscale Analysis Error/Uncertainty for Wind Direction (uwdir). Details...
NDFD-XML: Snow Ratio added to NDFD XML Web Service
The new Snow Ratio element will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Six SnowFall Probabilities added to NDFD XML Web Service
Six new Snow Fall Probability elements will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Wet Bulb Globe Temperature added to NDFD XML Web Service
The new Wet Bulb Globe Temperature element will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Addition of new XML encoding type Timeseries Markup Language (TSML)
This version of the NDFD XML Web Service allows the choice of two different XML formats for encoding geospatial data: DWML and TSML. TSML is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) recognized International encoding Standard, unlike DWML. Because of this, TSML offers greater interoperability: the ability of different information systems, products, or applications, whose interfaces are understood, to connect with other products or systems. Details...
NDFD-XML: MapClick links changed in moreWeatherInformation XML tag
The MapClick links changed for the NDFD XML Web Service. The moreWeatherInformation tag previously contained a URL with "-v3": http://forecast-v3.weather.gov/MapClick.php?textField1=38.99textField2=-77.01. The "-v3" has been removed, i.e.,: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?textField1=38.99textField2=-77.01 Details...
NDFD-XML: Snow Level added to NDFD XML Web Service
The new Snow Level element will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: For SSL security, instances of "http" changed to "https" where appropriate for the NDFD XML Web Service
For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: URL changes for DWML schema and wsdl for NDFD XML Web Service.
The Web Service's wsdl has been moved to https://digital.weather.gov/xml/wsdl/ndfdXML.wsdl (from https://digital.weather.gov/xml/DWMLgen/wsdl). The associated schemas have also been moved to the following directory: https://digital.weather.gov/xml/schema (i.e. https://digital.weather.gov/xml/schema/DWML.xsd). Details...
NDFD-XML: Increased precision for higher resolution temporal elements (hourly data). eg, 76 deg now = 76.2 deg)
Due to higher temporal resolution for certain elements to hourly, data precision was increased for the NDFD XML Web Service for those elements. Details...
NDFD-XML: Add new hazard translations for SS.A, SS.W, BH.S, and RP.S
Four new Hazards Codes, beach hazards (BH.S), rip currents (RP.S), and storm surge (SS.A and SS.W) were added for the NDFD XML Web Service. Details...
NDFD-XML: Forecast of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration (FRET) added to NDFD XML Web Service
3 new FRET elements will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. They are Daily Reference Crop Evapotranspiration, Departure From Normal Daily Reference Crop Evapotranspiration, and Weekly Reference Crop Evapotranspiration. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Tropical Cyclone Threats added to NDFD XML Web Service
4 new Tropical Cyclone Threat elements will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. They are Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Threat, Tropical Cyclone Rain Threat, Tropical Cyclone Wind Threat, and Tropical Cyclone Tornado Threat. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Weather Prediction Center Day 4-7 Winter Weather Outlook added to NDFD XML Web Service
The new Weather Prediction Center Day 4-7 Winter Weather Outlook element will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. The Day 4-7 Winter Weather Outlook is a graphical probabilistic forecast depicting the probability of winter precipitation (snow/sleet) exceeding 0.25 inches (~6 mm) water equivalent over a 24-hour period. The product is comprised of 4 graphics showing the forecast for Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, and Day 7. The outlook is prepared twice daily by Weather Prediction Center (WPC) medium range forecasters. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Precipitation Potential Index added to NDFD XML Web Service
The new Precipitation Potential Index element will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Forecast of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration for Short Canopy Vegitation added to NDFD XML Web Service
Three new Forecast of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration elements, Daily FRET grids for the next 7 days, Total Weekly FRET grids for the 7-day period, and Daily FRET departure from normal grids, will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Tropical Cyclone Threats added to NDFD XML Web Service
Four new Tropical Cyclone Threats, from Storm Surge, Rain, Wind, and Tornadoes, will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Updated the degrib executable and ndfdXMLserver.php and the wsdl: ndfdXML.wsdl, for NDFD XML Web Service to address missing elements (maxrh, minrh, iceaccum, 6 Tropical wind threshold probabilities).
Mar 13, 2014 at 11AM Easter Time. A new deployment of the NDFD REST And SOAP Web Service will be implemented to address Maximum Relative Humidity, Minimum Relative Humidity, and Ice Accumulation not disseminating via the Web Service. They have been added to the weatherParameters array in ndfdXMLserver.php file. Also, 2 defunct elements, the tstmprb and tstmcat, were removed from the ndfdXML.wsdl file. Also, there was a long standing issue with the 6 Tropical Wind Threshold Probability elements (incw34, incw50, incw64, cumw34, cumw50, cumw64) causing Seg Faults depending on list of point's in query, or a doubling up of the data. Details...
NDFD-XML: New NDFD SOAP/REST XML Web Service Install Tuesday June 19th, 2012
On Tuesday, June 19th, MDL will install a new version of the NDFD SOAP/REST XML Web Service.
The release is for the addition of two new NDFD elements: Maximum and Minimum Daily Relative Humidity.
This should not interrupt services, except for those who have scripts in which every parameter must be denoted:
i.e., for a new SOAP Request, the following booleans will need to be added for maxrh and minrh (set to 1):
On Mon June 18th or Tuesday June 19th, as the time of the switchover becomes clear, we will send out another email
and post the information here in xml_changes.xml (https://digital.weather.gov/xml/xml_changes.xml and https://digital.weather.gov/xml/xml_change_notices.php)
Please use the following channels to let us know of any problems accessing the NDFD XML Web Service immediately after the switch:
1) Email the NOAA ServiceNow Platform at nsdesk@midatl.service-now.com.
2) Open up a trouble ticket using the same email nsdesk@midatl.service-now.com.
NDFD-XML: Maximum and Minimum Relative Humidity added to NDFD XML Web Service
Two new elements, Maximum and Minimum Relative Humidity, will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Ice Accumulation added to NDFD XML Web Service
Ice Accumulation has been added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information
see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Fire Weather elements added to NDFD XML Web Service
Two new Fire Weather elements - "Fire Weather Critical and Extremely Critical Areas (Days 1-7)"
and "Fire Weather Critical Areas for Dry Thunderstorms (Days 1-3)" have been added for dissemination through
the NDFD XML Web Service. For more information see the Details...
NDFD-XML: Updated .xsd and ndfdXML.wsdl file for NDFD XML Web Service
In response to the redirect from "http://www.weather.gov/forecasts/xml" URL to
"https://digital.weather.gov/xml" (see below), the following files have had instances of
"www.weather.gov/forecasts" changed to "data-api.mdl.nws.noaa.gov": Details...
Page last Modified:
March 31, 2020 11:23 AM